Anton Antonov Apps

Droid Control for Arduino 2.1
Anton Antonov
This application in combination with "DroidHost for Arduino" allows you to remote control your Arduino projectvia WiFi / 3G *without* any shields.Steps:1.Download this app.2.Download "Droid Host for Arduino" app on *another* android deviceand connect Arduino MEGA/UNO with USB cable to the seconddevice.3.Configure the TCP connection between the apps.4.Both application will communicate via WiFi /3G and allow you toremote control your Arduino project.This application can also receive video stream from "Droid Hostfor Arduino".In general "Droid Host for Arduino" is something like WiFi/3Gmodem/shield for your Arduino board and this app is something likea joystick/controller that can send commands to "Droid Host forArduino" and the arduino board.You can find "Droid Host for Arduino" here:
Droid Host for Arduino 2.1
Anton Antonov
This application in combination with "DroidControl for Arduino" allows you to remote control your Arduinoproject via WiFi / 3G *without* any shieldsSteps:1.Download this app and connect Arduino MEGA/UNO with USBcable.2.Download "Droid Control for Arduino" on *another* androiddevice.3.Configure the TCP connection between the apps.4.Both application will communicate via WiFi / 3G and allow you toremote control your Arduino project.This application can also stream video content to "Droid Controlfor Arduino".In general this app is something like WiFi/3G modem/shield foryour Arduino board and "Droid Control for Arduino" is somethinglike a joystick/controller that can send commands to thisapplication and the arduino board.You can find "Droid Control for Arduino" here:
Droid Camera Stream [Host] 1.3
Anton Antonov
This application allows you to streamyourcamera.You need to install Droid Camera Stream [Viewer] on anotherandroiddevice.After Droid Camera Stream [Viewer] and Droid Camera Stream[Host]are connected to each other you will be able to stream yourcamerafrom Droid Camera Stream [Host] to Droid CameraStream[Viewer]
Droid Camera Stream [Viewer] 1.3
Anton Antonov
This application allows you to receivecamerastream from another android device.You need to install Droid Camera Stream [Host] on anotherandroiddevice - the one that will stream its camera.After Droid Camera Stream [Viewer] and Droid Camera Stream[Host]are connected to each other you will be able to stream yourcamerafrom Droid Camera Stream [Host] to Droid CameraStream[Viewer]